Fundy Stamp Collectors Club

c/o 37 Saunders St.
Moncton N.B.
E1B 4N8

Since 1997

The Fundy Stamp News
Issue No. 24 November 2009
Published by
Fundy Stamp Collectors Club

Feature Article

The Philatelic Corner
By Paul-Emile Bourque
Moncton, NB


10th Anniversary

The annual Stamp Show of the Fundy Stamp Collectors Club - BRUNPEX 2009 - celebarted it 10th Anniversary this autumn. The show was held on Saturday , September 12 , 2009. For the second year the show was held at the Rotary Lodge, on St. George Boulevard in Moncton. From all reports the show was very successful, and plans are already in the works for the 2010 event.

The theme for this year was the Centenry of the Fisrt Manned Flight in Canada. A special show cachet was prepared, with the show information, as well as an enlargement of the Canada 5 cent "Silver Dart " stamp issued in 1959 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the first flight. Covers at the show were also franked with the 54 cent "Silver Dart" stamp issued in 2009 commemorating the Centenary of the flight, along with a hand cancel with the show date.
The Fundy Stamp Collectors Club hold regular monthly meetings, from September to June, on the first Thursday night, 7 to 10 pm, at the CN pensioners Club on Curry St. in Moncton. Attendance varies from 10 to 15 members. A short business meeting is followed by a presentation or one page exhibit by vbarious members of the club.

Please take note of the new address at the top of the page !

Look for the next issue of The Fundy Stamp Collectors Club News in January 2010.
Don Mills, editor email donmillscanada at yahoo dot com

The Philatelic Corner
By Paul-Emil Bourque , Moncton.

The Nova Scotia Post: Its Offices, masters and marks.
by J.J MacDonald. 1985

For this edition of our Newsletter, I chose not necessarily a classic but certainly for Maritime philatelist an important work. Indeed The Nova Scotia Post: Its offices masters and marks written by J J MacDonald and published in 1985 by the Unitrade Press will probably become a classic becasue it offers to the collector of postal history a well researched account of the early postal development in the province of Nova Scotia.

First I would like to highlight the background of the author. J J MacDonald was professor of chemistry at St. Francis Xavier University. Although he had a distinguished academic career, his passions were golf and postal history. Indeed, both hobbies offered him much solace and gratification in this stressful world.

The book offers an overview of the development of the postal system in Nova Scotia. In addition, the book offers an insiders view of the postmasters, the postmarks and the markings of Nova Scotia. Perhaps of more interest to the collector of postal history are the many illustrations of the original letters and postmarks. In addition there are many citations fromt the official records of the day which gives the reader a true sense of the politics involved in the postal delivery system.

True to his scientific background J J Macdonald manages to offer to the reader a well documeneted and researched book. Consequently I highley recommend this book to those who want to explore in more detail the infinite variation of Canadian Maritime postal history.

The rest of this issue was a article reprint on using hinges mounts and tongs. This information is located in the beginners circle section, located on the home page of this site.

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