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Article: 1 Name
The name of this organization shall be known as The Fundy Stamp Collectors Club.
Article: II Objectives
SEC: I The objectives shall be to encourage and promote the collection and study of Philatelic items.
SEC: II To have at each meeting a presentation of some area of Philately of general interest to the membership such as Valuation, Paper varieties, Tagging, Lge. Queens. the Penny Black, etc.
SEC: III To cultivate relations among collectors and to acquire and dispense Philatelic literature.
SEC: IV To host once a year a BRUNPLEX show and sale to be determined by the Executive as to timing.
SEC: V To promote a Junior Stamp Club separate from the main Club. V SEC: VI To promote friendly relations with other Stamp Clubs in our geographic area. V SEC: VII The Club shall be carried on without purpose of financial gain for it's members and any profits shall be used in promoting it's objectives.
Article III Membership
SEC: I Membership of the Club shall be open to all interested collectors who are over 18 years of age and of good standing in the community.
SEC: II Honorary life membership may be granted for outstanding service. This may be conferred at an annual meeting.
SEC: III Application for membership shall be proposed by a member at any reoular meeting and shall be declared elected to membership on receipt of a two thirds majority vote and payment of regular Club dues.
Article IV Executive
SEC: I The Officers of the Club shall consist of: Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and five Directors. The Past President is ex-officio a member of the Executive Committee.
SEC: II No business may be transacted at a membership meeting without a full quorum, which shall consist of five members.
SEC: Ill The affairs of the Club are managed by an Executive Committee which is composed of the Officers of the Club.
Duties of the Executive
SEC: I The Executive of the Club Subject to the bylaws or to the directions given to it by a majority vote of any general meeting properly called, has full control and management of the affairs of the Club and the custody and control of all it's assets.
SEC: II When a vacancy by death or resignation occurs between annual meetings, the Executive has authority to appoint someone to fill the vacant office until the next general meeting
Duties of members of the Executive
SEC: I The President is ex-officio a member of all committees except the nominating committee and presides at all meetings of the Club. SEC: II The Vice-President shall assist the President and occupy the chair in the absence of the President and shall become President in the event of the President's office being vacant.
SEC: III The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a full and adequate record of all meetings and deal with all correspondence of the Club and it's Executive. He/She shall keep an up to date list of all paid up members. All Club funds shall be kept in the name of the Club and checques shall require the signature of the President or Vice-President and the Secretary/Treasurer. Adequate accounting records are to be kept of all financial business of the Club.
SEC: IV TheDirectors shallconsist of five (5) member selected from the rnembership and become part of the Executive Committee.
SEC: V The Executive Committee shall meet between regular meetings of the Club on call of the President or a majority of the committee.
Article V Discipline
Any member not abiding by the Constitution and By-laws of the Club or conducting themselves in an objectionable manner may by any Executive member be suspended from membership of the Club. Written notice must first be sent by Registered mail to the defendant and by reaular mail to each member of the Executive committee by the person or persons pressing the charges. The defendant shall be heard in their own defense before a vote is taken. The defendant will be deemed as not having given a satisfactory explanation if they fail to appear when cited. Any accusation by a single Executive member shall not be sanctioned by the Club until voted upon by a quorum and any legal consequences of such accusations shall be the personal obligation of the member pressing the charges.
No member may pursue a discussion of principle or business to such length that they become obnoxious to the membership. As all remarks are addressed to the Chairman any member may be restricted as to length of discussion by the Chairman at any time.
Article VI Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote at any Annual meeting, written copy of the amendment having been given to the Secretary/Treasurer and read by him to the membership at any previous regular meeting and written notice either by letter or Club bulletin having been sent to all members prior to the Annual Meeting.
Article VII Elections
SEC: I Elected officers shall serve for a period of one year or until their successors are elected
SEC: II No person shall be elected President for a period in excess of two successive years.
SEC: III At election time the position of President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer should be drawn from the board of Directors if possible to aid in continuity for the Club.
SEC: I Annual membership dues shall be set by the Executive and voted upon by the membership in a general meeting.
SEC: II Annual dues are payable by January 31st.
SEC: III Any member whose dues have not been paid at the end of three months from the date on which they were due will be dropped from Club membership.
SEC: IV Meetings shall be held on the first thursday of each month. The meeting in December shall be known as the Annual Meeting and shall be held at such place as may be decided upon. Summer meetings of July and August may be waived if so decided at the June meeting.
SEC: V The funds of the Club shall be kept in the selected banking institution.
SEC: VI A nominating comniittee shall be named by the President at the October meeting. The committee shall report at the November meeting at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. Balloting ( if necessary ) shall take place at the December meeting and those elected shall retain office until their successors are elected.
SEC: VII The books of the Club shall be audited annually by an Audit Committee of the Club, to be named by the President.
SEC: VIII There shall be no sales or purchases of philatelic material permitted during a regular meeting. Following a regular meeting sales, purchases or trading among members shall be permitted.
SEC: IX These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of members at any regular meeting written copy of the amendments having been given to the Secretary/Treasurer and by him to the membership. Written notice either by mail or Club bulletin shall be sent to all members at least ten days prior to the monthly meeting and the amendment shall be voted on at the meeting immediately following the mailing of the said notice.